Beacon Economics

Impacts of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Los Angeles

This analysis illustrated how Los Angeles intended to exceed the precedent it set in the past with a 2024 Olympic Games that would be the most creative, innovative, and low risk in history

Building on A Rich Olympic Tradition

Los Angeles has a strong Olympic legacy, having hosted highly successful Games in 1932 and 1984. By using mostly existing infrastructure and facilities, and by leveraging the assets and geography of the Los Angeles area, the 1984 Olympics were the only profitable Games in history. In its bid for the 2024 Olympic Games, Los Angeles promised to provide an experience better than any in the past and with relatively little economic risk to the community.

Beacon Economics was commissioned by the 2024 Los Angeles Olympic Committee to conduct an analysis of the economic, fiscal, and social impacts the event would have on the region, the state, and the nation. The report found that, on the high end, hosting the 2024 Games would net over $9 billion in economic output, over $4 billion in worker earnings, $125 million in tax revenue, and create nearly 65,000 full-time jobs.

Key Highlights

Economic Impacts

Visitors to the 2024 Games would spend between $1.17 billion and $1.46 billion in Los Angeles.

Public Support

Los Angeles has one of the largest sports fan bases in the U.S. and support for the Games was high (88%).

Social Impacts

The 2024 Games in Los Angeles would be the most environmentally sustainable in history.

Expert Insights

Stafford Nichols

“Our research highlighted how the unique geographic and cultural assets of Los Angeles could make the 2024 Games an even bigger event while costing significantly less.”

– Stafford Nichols, Research Manager, Beacon Economics


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Access comprehensive data and expert analysis on the economic, fiscal, and social impacts of hosting the Olympics in Los Angeles. This report includes historical comparisons to the experiences and financial outcomes of other host cities.

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