Regional and Sub-Regional Analysis
Localized economic research that helps governments and businesses achieve their goals
Beacon Economics produces a full range of regional analysis.
Looking to understand how companies are performing in your neighborhood compared to others? Want to identify the number of firm births and deaths occurring in a local industry? Seeking to understand if wages are growing in your community? Beacon Economics’ drilled-down regional analysis delivers clear, accurate answers.
We give our clients and partners a deep understanding of specific trends occurring within their communities, allowing them to take actionable steps that capitalize on local strengths and address local challenges. We work with economic developers, planners, city and county governments, investors, private businesses, neighborhood groups, and other stakeholders to help regions prosper, revitalize, and thrive.
Our team includes PhD economists, urban planners, and public policy experts who, together, bring an interdisciplinary, problem-solving approach to complicated regional and sub-regional issues.�
Get both analysis and context.
We analyze how specific economies – from neighborhoods to city council districts to entire states – are performing in a comparative context. The resulting insights enable local jurisdictions to understand how different aspects of their economy – such as labor markets, firm creation, innovation, local consumption, tax generation, commercial real estate markets, worker profile – have performed over time relative to peer jurisdictions and state and national economies.
Understand local industry performance and impact.
Some of our most sought after reports analyze the performance of specific sectors of the economy, seeking to understand how these industries have done over time in terms of job growth, firm formation, and innovation – and how individual sectors contribute to local communities.
Attain guidance for real estate investment and development.
Our wide-ranging expertise in residential and commercial real estate markets, sustainable/green communities, and housing and land use are combined with drilled-down, location-specific data to deliver immediately useful analyses that support new real estate development, investment, and public planning.
Beacon Economics' RegionalAnalysis Is:
Our regional analysis team identifies areas of strength and opportunity in local economies, allowing our clients and partners to actively use our products to achieve a wide variety of objectives and outcomes. Beacon Economics’ work has been used to support clients in their community outreach and marketing, in applications for government grants and funding, and in guiding and crafting effective policy action.�
Regional analysis necessarily requires an expert understanding of an area’s local statutes and conditions, overriding state policies, and regional administrative practices. Beacon Economics customizes its analysis to the needs of a community and, through a collaborative process, designs products that help local leaders and businesses reach their specific goals.
Beacon Economics leverages our expertise across economics, community and workforce development, housing and land use, public policy, and impact analysis to help our clients and partners define their questions and meet their objectives.
Our team prides itself on providing responsive, reliable service, and thoroughly researched reports that are easy to understand and use in many forums. We stay in close contact with our clients throughout every project to ensure we understand their goals and are addressing their challenges.
65+ Years Of Collective Experience Serving Cities, Counties, States, Economic Development Agencies, And Other Public-Facing Clients Nationwide
Our Approach: Recent Regional and Sub-Regional Analysis Projects
CLIENT: California Manufacturing Technology Consulting
This analysis helped our California-based client show how the state’s manufacturing industry continues to play a vital role in the U.S. economy, generating jobs for millions of workers, providing income for households across the economic spectrum, and producing necessary and innovative products for domestic consumption and export. Beacon Economics’ data-based evaluation of the current state of the industry in California, including employment trends and competitiveness, provided robust and relevant intel our client could use to advance their initiatives and industry.�
CLIENT: Chapman University
Beacon Economics was commissioned by Chapman University to analyze the regional economy of Orange, California, home to the university’s main campus. The analysis compared economic trends in the City, and in Orange County more broadly, before and after the Great Recession, providing a detailed look at how employment, the labor force, and housing markets have changed. The analysis compared the impact of the Great Recession on the City with the impact on similar cities that do not have an institution of higher learning. Ultimately, the report was able to illustrate the economic value that a major university delivers to a region and the stability that such an institution can bring to various aspects of the economy during upheavals such as the Great Recession.
CLIENT: Workforce Development Board of Santa Cruz County
The Santa Cruz County Workforce Development Board is responsible for helping local employers find the skilled workers they need to compete and succeed. As part of that mission, they engaged Beacon Economics to analyze a range of indicators related to the County’s labor market and economy, and to provide policy recommendations pertaining to workforce development based on the challenges and opportunities identified in the analysis. Our final report not only examined the region’s changing economic and workforce landscape, it identified actionable opportunities to connect the local talent pipeline with the evolving needs of the County’s employers and key industries, meeting our client’s key goal.
Our Experts
Meet our economists and public policy experts who specialize in regional economies. Each team member brings a unique blend of knowledge, experience, and passion to their work, ensuring that our clients receive the highest level of service and expertise.
Justin Niakamal
Manager, Regional and Sub-Regional AnalysisJustin Niakamal manages the Regional and Sub-Regional Analysis practice area at Beacon Economics....
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Christopher Thornberg
Founding PartnerChristopher Thornberg Ph.D. has been called many things throughout his career, but his favorite...
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Miriam Valdes Ibarra
Policy and Economic Development ManagerMiriam Valdes Ibarra is a Policy and Economic Development Manager at Beacon Economics, overseeing...
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Related Services
Community and economic development
Our economic and community development products give cities and regions the leading-edge tools they need to advance the performance of their local economies and compete in a modern economic ecosystem.
Housing, land use and real estate advisory
Beacon Economics partners with policymakers, non-profits, private businesses, and developers to advance actionable solutions to community housing and real estate challenges across the United States.
Economic and revenue forecasting
Beacon Economics delivers accurate, rigorously constructed outlooks that inform private and public sector planning, policy, investment, and growth.
Economic, fiscal, and social impact analysis
Beacon Economics specializes in successfully communicating the full economic, fiscal, and social impacts of events, institutions, projects, and investments.
To connect with us or ask a question about any of Beacon Economics’ practice areas, please contact:
Business Development Team at 424-666-2165 or [email protected]