Beacon Economics

Jock O’Connell International Trade Adviser


Jock O’Connell is Beacon Economics’ International Trade Advisor and one of the nation’s foremost authorities on world trade, global economic trends, and the internationalization of the California economy. He is a former staff advisor to the California Commission for Economic Development and member of the California Economic Strategy Panel’s Technical Advisory Group.

Mr. O’Connell has authored numerous articles on economic, political, and trade issues that have appeared in the New York TimesWall Street JournalLos Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, San Jose Mercury News, Sacramento Bee, California Journal, Salon.Com, and Pacific Standard Magazine. In conjunction with Beacon Economics, he edits the firm’s monthly California Trade Report, an analysis of the latest data on the Golden State’s export trade.

Mr. O’Connell has spoken before a diverse array of business organizations and other groups during his career. Among the more prominent audiences he has addressed have been: Russia’s Institute for USA and Canada Studies in Moscow; Japan’s Keidanren in Tokyo; the Confederation of British Industry in London; the Foreign Trade Association of Southern California in Los Angeles; and the Commonwealth Club of California in San Francisco.

Mr. O’Connell has been a lecturer at the University of California at Davis and at California State University, Sacramento. From 2005 to 2010, he held the position of International Trade and Economics Advisor at the University of California Center in Sacramento, where he lectured and organized workshops and seminars designed to keep California’s policymakers informed of the latest developments in world trade and their effect on California’s economy.

The primary emphasis of Mr. O’Connell’s consulting work involves the logistics of foreign trade and, more specifically, the condition of California’s international trade infrastructure. He has worked with several nationally recognized transportation planning consulting firms, including Cambridge Systematics, TranSystems, and the Tioga Group.

He is a member of the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Intergovernmental Relations in Aviation. As a division of the National Research Council, the Transportation Research Board advises Congress, executive-branch federal agencies, the states, and other organizations on key transportation issues.

Mr. O’Connell grew up on the coast of Maine and received his B.A. from the College of the Holy Cross before pursuing graduate studies at the University of California at Davis. He has also studied at the Institute of European Studies (University of Vienna) and the London School of Economics, where he was a Fulbright Scholar.

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+1 916.716.2251
110 South Fairfax Avenue, Suite 380 Los Angeles, California 90036

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